Ello ~
10:30AM statistics class was soooper boring ( ;´Д`)! But afterwards I met up with my dear Jenny for some lunch and shopping!
I haven't seen her for a monthh! Totally unacceptable! Well we didn't know where to eat so I looked on Yelp for good restaurants near campus. Decided to try a Thai restaurant that got 4/5 stars~
10:30AM statistics class was soooper boring ( ;´Д`)! But afterwards I met up with my dear Jenny for some lunch and shopping!

My other friend Tuyen decided join us too, ahaha I hope we didn't bore him with our silly girl talk
Anyways this is what we ordered to eat! So yummy! (I thought so anyways)

Jenny got pineapple fried rice, without tomatoes! Ahahah.

Tuyen got pad thai, it was his first time eating Thai food! But I don't think he liked it that much x(

It was kinda pricey, so I don't think I'd go back unless my mommy wants to go (She had some of my left over curry and really liked it O:).
We went shopping, but I ended up not buying anything. I was eyeing these heels but decided to just save my monies :3 Prob buy more Asian cosmetics 

Studied from 5:00-9:00PM for microbiology ;____; I really dislike that class! I didn't even do well on that quiz .___."
Celebrated grandmother 75th birfdayy~ Woooo~
Went to a buffet and ate soooooo much. I forgot to bring my camera so... have to deal with bad phone camera quality. I love icecreams&sprinkles!
Felt like such a fatty after that dinner T____T

We even had birthday cake to eat afterwards too! Gluten-free chocolate cake from Whole Foods. Only had a small slice since I was stuffed x3

Lucky number 8 candles! Hahaha
The rest of the week was boring so I have nothing to post about
Wellps, byebyefornao.
Celebrated grandmother 75th birfdayy~ Woooo~
Went to a buffet and ate soooooo much. I forgot to bring my camera so... have to deal with bad phone camera quality. I love icecreams&sprinkles!
Felt like such a fatty after that dinner T____T

We even had birthday cake to eat afterwards too! Gluten-free chocolate cake from Whole Foods. Only had a small slice since I was stuffed x3

Lucky number 8 candles! Hahaha
The rest of the week was boring so I have nothing to post about
Wellps, byebyefornao.