Ello ~
10:30AM statistics class was soooper boring ( ;´Д`)! But afterwards I met up with my dear Jenny for some lunch and shopping!
I haven't seen her for a monthh! Totally unacceptable! Well we didn't know where to eat so I looked on Yelp for good restaurants near campus. Decided to try a Thai restaurant that got 4/5 stars~ My other friend Tuyen decided join us too, ahaha I hope we didn't bore him with our silly girl talk
Anyways this is what we ordered to eat! So yummy! (I thought so anyways)
I got yellow curry with chicken. Nom nom nom 
Jenny got pineapple fried rice, without tomatoes! Ahahah.
Tuyen got pad thai, it was his first time eating Thai food! But I don't think he liked it that much x(
It was kinda pricey, so I don't think I'd go back unless my mommy wants to go (She had some of my left over curry and really liked it O:).
We went shopping, but I ended up not buying anything. I was eyeing these heels but decided to just save my monies :3 Prob buy more Asian cosmetics 
Studied from 5:00-9:00PM for microbiology ;____; I really dislike that class! I didn't even do well on that quiz .___."
Celebrated grandmother 75th birfdayy~ Woooo~
Went to a buffet and ate soooooo much. I forgot to bring my camera so... have to deal with bad phone camera quality. I love icecreams&sprinkles!
Felt like such a fatty after that dinner T____T

We even had birthday cake to eat afterwards too! Gluten-free chocolate cake from Whole Foods. Only had a small slice since I was stuffed x3

Lucky number 8 candles! Hahaha
The rest of the week was boring so I have nothing to post about
Wellps, byebyefornao.